Getting All Printed Boarind Passes:
domain.raw:"pac-prm" AND service.raw:"search-passengers" AND operation.raw:"by-locator-ticket-ctrl" AND (client:"ios_app" OR client:"android_app" OR client:"iberia_web") AND elapsedTime:>30000
Getting Passenger Acceptance more time taking transactions :
domain.raw:"pac-pacc" AND service.raw:"accept" AND operation.raw:"ctrl" AND (client:"ios_app" OR client:"android_app" OR client:"iberia_web") AND elapsedTime:>30000
Finding All errors in Seatmap :
- use this url :
- Pick a sessionid for errors from the above url and try and open in new kibana window :
So above window shows Kibana error : We must see it in operation. ExecuteCommand is always resiber operation.