Vouchers issued by Iberia can be used to pay for complete Orders in all the countries listed in the markets table here, using the 17.2 API only.

Currency conversion using the exchange rate of the day will be applied, should you use a Voucher issued in a currency different than the one being used for the Order.

The voucher may be used in the OrderCreate message for instant payment or in the AirDocIssue/OrderChange messages when paying for a previously created Order.

As ancillaries cannot be added to a previously created Order until after the flights have been paid for, Ancillaries can only be paid using a voucher if used in the creation of the Order in an instant purchase scenario.

Vouchers can be used to pay for all fares/products except Private Leisure fares.

Voucher and BSP Cash Combination

Only available for use by IATA accredited Travel Agents.

If you pay using this combination, it is very important to note the following:

Message Structure/Content

In the 17.2 OrderCreate and OrderChange messages, please note:

The ContactID sent in ContactList / ContactInformation for to use voucher must be linked to the Payments / Payment / Payer / ContactInfoRefs by the literal value “VoucherValidation”

  <ContactInformation ContactID="VoucherValidation">

    <Amount Code="EUR">914.36</Amount>

The e-mail address used must be the same the customer used to claim their voucher. If this does not match the data registered with the provided voucher then the purchase will fail.

The customer can check if their voucher has any remaining value through the usual channels, the information can be found here in English and Spanish.

Cancellations within 24 hours of issuing a ticket paid with a voucher can be done autonomously using NDC services. All other cancellations and/or voluntary changes, will have to be managed through the appropriate Iberia Call Centre.

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