This service is used to request priced availability for flights for the requested origin and destination, date and cabin. The service also returns priced availability for the next higher cabins (normally the next 2 higher cabins). Example, if the availability is requested for Economy, service will return priced availability for Economy, Premium Economy and Business (assuming these cabins are offered on the route requested).
The V1 version which uses the Fare Family concept, and the FareDetail information is limited to certain pricing information. We strongly recommend you migrate to use the V2 version based on Branded Fares.
The V2 version, takes advantage of ATPCo Branded Fares, which includes product attributes filed with the fares. This version of our AirShopping message also includes various improvements in quality of information, such as: Penalty attributes indicating whether there is a penalty charged for either a change, refund or cancel of the booking; and Baggage Allowance information; and cabin information for each flight segment.
The AirShoppingRQ message is made up of the following sections:

In addition to the Common Sections, this service is called with the following data:
This is the principal part of the AirShoppingRQ, whose main elements are the Origin (Departure) and Destination(Arrival) Cities/Airports and departure date.
Can, optionally, indicate flight, fare and cabin preferences.
This is where you specify the number of passengers and their type
Example AirShoppingRQ:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<AirShoppingRQ Version="5.000" PrimaryLangID="es" xmlns="http://www.iata.org/IATA/EDIST/2017.2">
<TravelAgencyParticipant SequenceNumber="1">
<Name>NDC Agency Name</Name>
<OriginDestination OriginDestinationKey="IDA">
<OriginDestination OriginDestinationKey="VUELTA">
<Passenger PassengerID="Pasajero1">
<Passenger PassengerID="Pasajero2">
<Passenger PassengerID="Pasajero3">
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Examples AirShoppingRQ 2024:
</CoreQuery> |
<Type PreferencesContext="SPORT">758</Type>
</Preference> |
</CoreQuery> |
</Preference> |
</Preference> |
</Sender> |
</Preference> |
</FarePreferences> |
</CoreQuery> |
</PointOfSale> |
<Type PreferencesContext="SPORT">758</Type>
</Preference> |
<OriginDestination OriginDestinationKey="OD1">
<OriginDestination OriginDestinationKey="OD2">
</CoreQuery> |
</Parameters> |
Examples of messages with complete flows can be downloaded from here.
Error messages
For further information about all kind of error messages, please go to the following link: