

Frequently Asked Questions


The following FAQ is to help answer the most common questions you have regarding using our NDC services.

For additional general information on Iberia products and services, such as check-in, baggage, and everything the customer may need for their flight, please take a look here


What are the technical requirements for a direct connection?

Make sure that your organization have the technical requirements for this type of connection:


What type of connection I am interested in?

You can connect to the Iberia API by three different ways. Choose the type thats fit with your organization:

  • Direct Connection

  • Aggregator

  • Portal IAG (as an Aggregator)

How do i have to identify to work with the Iberia API?

You can connect to the Iberia API by three different ways:

  • IATA number

  • IATA TIDs Code

  • Pseudo IATA / Partner ID


What are the main differences between 17.2 v1 (Fare families) and 17.2 v2 (Branded Fares)?

Notice that 17.2 v2 it’s the most current version and Iberia recommends to use this:

How many OfferPrice can I send after an AirShopping?

You can send as many OfferPriceRQ as you wish, but always against offers that were returned in an AirShoppingRS. You cannot send an OfferPriceRQ agaist an Offer received in a previous OfferPriceRS. If multiple OfferPrice are done, the OrderCreate must always be done against the last OfferPrice.


Where can I view the fair conditions in detail?


What do I need for correct management of involuntary changes?


Is it possible to combine different types of fares in a journey?

Using our AirShopping with BestPricingOption Cheapest will return all the available flight combinations with the cheapest fare available on each leg of the journey. Private (non-corporate) and public fares requests can not combined into a single request.

<Preference> <Characteristic> <DirectPreferences>0</DirectPreferences> </Characteristic> <PricingMethodPreference> <BestPricingOption>C</BestPricingOption> </PricingMethodPreference> </Preference>


Can I separate passengers from a single reservation?

When some passengers in an Order wish to change their flights, you simply send the OrderReshop and OrderChange for the flights and passengers that you wish to modify.

The split, when necessary, will automatically be done in the background. We will respond with a new Order for those passengers who have changed their flights.


How does Iberia advise when there is a schedule change?

Iberia automatically notifies time changes or flight changes to the contact information included in the booking by email.

Iberia also has the OCN (Order Change Notification) functionality for notifying agencies of changes using the industry standard NDC message.


Is it necessary to accept/reconfirm involuntary changes by the agency?

Iberia does not require you to send anything to accept the involuntary change. Customers can accept them on iberia.com if they wish to.


Can I cancel and refund a booking if the customer does not accept the involuntary change?

When an OrderReshop - Cancel is received, the refundability of the Order is calculated automatically, and the applicable conditions are applied.


Can mandatory tax information be included for those countries that require it, such as: Perú, Ecuador, Argentina and Guatemala?

Yes, it is possible to include tax information (fiscal identification) at the time of creation of the NCD booking. See here.


How should I cancel an Order?

The following PDF explains the flow:


What are the correct sequential flows at NDC?

The following page explains the recommended sequential flows.


Iberia NDC functionalities:

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