



Servicing: It’s all you can manage in an Order. The following is a summary of the servicing functionality available through our NDC API.

1. Add or modify passenger data


You can correct a passenger name (3 characters max).

Passenger contact information

You can add or modify contact information for passengers.

Is not possible to cancel only the additional services (ancillaries, SSR) in an Order (you must call contact center), it is only possible to cancel them if you cancel the passenger to whom they are associated.

See all options on OrderChange page. This also includes Frequent Flyer.

Frequent Flyer

Iberia Plus

We accept Frequent Flyer numbers of any airline, although we only validate Iberia Plus. Accrual of points is only on those airlines with whom we have agreements.

We only accept one Frequent Flyer number in the booking for each passenger (excluding infants).

To update an existing Frequent Flyer number you simply include the new one.

The deletion of an existing Frequent Flyer number is not presently available.

See all the information at Frequent Flyers page.

On Business

This is a type of Frequent Flyer program for SMEs (PyMes). By entering the On Business ID in the booking points are earned.

On Business numbers can be added or changed in an Order in the same way as the Frequent Flyer, simply using the OrderChange message and including the <PassengerServicing> section with the new information.

To update an existing On Business number you simply include the new one.

The deletion of an existing On Business number is not presently available.

See all the information at Frequent Flyers page.

2. Ancillaries & Special Services

Ancillaries can be booked in the initial booking flow and paid for with the flights.

Ancillaries can also be booked and held in unpaid (on hold) Orders, to be paid with the flights in the servicing flow.

Ancillaries can only be added to an Order after it has been paid for and issued.

Is not possible to cancel only the additional services (Ancillaries, Special Services) in an Order (you must call contact center), it is only possible to cancel them if you cancel the passenger and the flights to which they are associated.

Additional services can only be changed by calling the contact center today.

Please note: Some Ancillaries have their own Payment Time Limit; and Special Services can only be booked in OrderCreate.

See our Ancillaries & Special Services page.

3. Reprice - Unpaid Order

There is currently a Reprice Flow for an existing Order which will be replaced by the new Reprice on hold, which today is only in beta.

4. Cancelation and Refund of Orders

Voluntary cancelations

In the OrderReshop you can cancel: The entire Order; only some of the passengers; only some of the flights. These can be done:

  • Unpaid Orders on hold.

  • Paid and used Orders.

  • Partially used Orders.

See all information at OrderReshop - Delete/Cancel

Disrupted Orders

A disrupted Order is one that has had an involuntary change.

The following are the disruptions that we are currently notifying:

  1. Order cancellation due to PaymentTimeLimit expiry.

  2. Flight Time Change

  3. Change of Flight

  4. Cancelation of Flight

  5. Change of Seat Assignment

To learn more, please visit the OrderChangeNotification page.

When an Order has suffered an involuntary change (disruption), it is possible to ask for a refund (even for reissued tickets), in those cases where Iberia’s policy allows it, a refund will be offered in the OrderReshopRS.

In cases where servicing of a booking is not available through the NDC API, you will need to call Iberia’s contact center to service the Order.

5. Changes of Orders

Voluntary changes

Changes of flights are available through our API. There are still some limitations, and every day we working of removing these and expand the functionality available. Presently ancillaries cannot be changed. If the flights of an Order are changed, then you must contact the Iberia Call Centre to sort out any previously booked ancillary services.

Today the following are the changes you can do:

  • Change of date

  • Change of time (flight number)

  • Change of class/cabin

  • Change of Origin and Destination for unpaid Orders, except:

    • Please note that the POC (Point of Commencement) country must remain the same.

    • Orders with Spanish Resident and Large Family discounts, or that require additional information to be added to the existing Order (i.e. Secure Flight) are not available at the moment.

To make changes through Iberia NDC you must follow these steps:

  1. OrderReshop Availability - Available Offers

  2. OrderReshop Fare - Details of the Offer selected

  3. OrderChange with payment - Changing the Order

Please note changes cannot be made and held without payment, on a previously paid Order. Any additional payment must be included in the OrderChange message.

For more information and conditions, please visit our OrderReshop and OrderChange pages.

Disrupted orders

A disrupted Order is one that has had an involuntary change. Only for one way and returns, not for Journeys with multiple stops.

The following are the disruptions we will be notifying:

  1. Order cancellation due to PaymentTimeLimit expiry.

  2. Flight Time Change

  3. Change of Flight

  4. Cancelation of Flight

  5. Change of Seat Assignment

To learn more, please visit the OrderChangeNotification page.

When an Order has suffered an involuntary change (disruption), it is possible to ask for a change of flights. In the cases where Iberia’s policy allows it, a free change will be offered in the OrderReshopRS.

In cases where servicing of a booking is not available through the NDC API, you will need to call Iberia’s contact center to service the Order.

Involuntary Change Policy document:



6. IATA Delegation

This functionality allows one IATA Travel Agent to access and service another IATA Travel Agents bookings.

See our IATA Delegation page.



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