Release 2023.07
Examples of messages with complete flows can be downloaded from here.
The OfferPriceRQ message is made up of is made up of the following sections:
Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of API Messages with Examples |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of API Messages with Examples |
name | Legend |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Language, Version and Name Space |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Language, Version and Name Space |
name | Version_Lang_NameSpace |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Point of Sale and Document |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Point of Sale and Document |
name | PointOfSale |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Point of Sale and Document |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Point of Sale and Document |
name | Document |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Party Elements |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Party Elements |
name | SenderSection |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Party Elements |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Party Elements |
name | ParticipantSection |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Party Elements |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Party Elements |
name | RecipientSection |
nopanel | true |
In addition to the Common Sections, this service is called with the following data:
Expand |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Parameters, Fare Preferences & Qualifier |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Parameters, Fare Preferences & Qualifier |
name | Parameters |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Parameters, Fare Preferences & Qualifier |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Parameters, Fare Preferences & Qualifier |
name | FarePreferences |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Get Direct Fare & Get Fare |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Get Direct Fare & Get Fare |
name | GetDirectFare |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Get Direct Fare & Get Fare |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Get Direct Fare & Get Fare |
name | GetFare |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Parameters, Fare Preferences & Qualifier |
| NDCDOCStage:(NEW)Copy of | Parameters, Fare Preferences & Qualifier |
name | Qualifier |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
title | DataLists - PassengerList |
| Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of PassengerList |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of PassengerList |
name | PassengerList |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Metadata |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Metadata |
name | CurrencyMetadata |
nopanel | true |
Expand |
| Insert excerpt |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Metadata |
| NDCDOCStage:Copy of Metadata |
name | PricedMetadata |
nopanel | true |
Example OfferPriceRQ:
Expand |
Code Block |
| <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<OfferPriceRQ Version="5.000" PrimaryLangID="es" xmlns="http://www.iata.org/IATA/EDIST/2017.2">
<AggregatorParticipant SequenceNumber="1">
<Offer OfferID="IBa37bc6c8249140449f3426ef1c423128OC" Owner="IB" ResponseID="Qm9va2luZ0BHVy0xNjc1MjYzOTczMTQ4LXVORDZq">
<OfferItem OfferItemID="IBa37bc6c8249140449f3426ef1c423128OC_01">
<PassengerRefs>ADULT_01 ADULT_02</PassengerRefs>
<OfferItem OfferItemID="IBa37bc6c8249140449f3426ef1c423128OC_02">
<Passenger PassengerID="ADULT_01">
<Passenger PassengerID="ADULT_02">
<Passenger PassengerID="INFANT_01">
</soapenv:Envelope> |
Error messages
For further information about all kind of error messages, please go to the following link: