Functional Description - Release 2024.06
OfferPrice returns a detailed Priced Availability quote for specific Flights, and includes the breakdown of fare and taxes together with more detailed product information, such as conditions for payment/cancellation/change and baggage allowance. Upsell offers can also be returned if requested.
When requested together with Cheapest, combined fares and the higher fares for Upselling are returned.
This option can also be combined with several functionalities/products, such as Private, Discounts, Special Needs, etc.
Examples of messages with complete flows can be downloaded from here.
Functionality | Use |
Get Fare | Using data from our AirShoppingRS it returns the details of the Offer requested, the details of which can be seen here. |
Direct Fare | Using data obtained from a third party Shopping engine RS this method returns offers for all products on the specified flights. It will return a detailed breakdown of the fare conditions only for the cheapest Offer, and basic details, the same as in an AirShoppingRS the other offers available on the selected flights.