17.2 v2 - Branded Fares Messages

17.2 v2 - Branded Fares Messages

What are Branded Fares

Branded Fares are an industry standard way for airlines to clearly identify the Features and Attributes available as part of a fare product, some of which may be included in the price, and others that may be purchasable for an additional fee. It is also an industry wide solution, that allows Fares/Brands with similar features and attributes to be grouped together for comparison.

This allows us to promote Features and Attributes that differentiate one fare product from another, and gives travellers the opportunity to select the product that best fits their preferences and the purpose of their journey.

We use the the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes, together with Iberia specific ones, to be able to offer products in a more structured and informative way.

This list of Attributes is dynamic and can and will change and grow over time, and includes things such as:






Elements and how to use them

The Branded Fares Fields that we return group each Brand/Product by a PriceClassID which represents the following elements: 

  • ObjectKey - unique reference for internal Iberia use.

  • programCode - The owner airline CFF** (** = airline owner)

  • programText

The following two elements identify the Branded Fare/Product

  • brandText: The commercial name of the product (ie BUSINESS FLEXIBLE, or Basic, etc…) to be displayed to the customer.

  • brandCode: The code associated to the brandText - (BUSFLEX) - used to identify the product

The following are used to identify and group together the various Features and Attributes of the Product:

  • attributeGroup - The top level of grouping, such as Baggage, Meals, Frequent Flyer, In-flight Entertainment, etc., that uses the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes “Group”.

  • attributeSubGroup - The second level of grouping, to group attributes within an attributeGroup, such as Sporting Equipment or Speciality Items within Baggage, using the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes “Sub Group”.

  • Subcode - This is the industry, or airline specific, “Sub Code” used to identify each individual attribute (such as specific seat type, first bag, first bag at 15kg, etc) and may be taken from the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes.

  • Description1 - description of subcode if applicable, to be displayed to the customer.

  • Description2 - additional description of subcode if applicable, to be displayed to the customer.

  • ComercialName - This is applicable to the Subcode if it has a specific name/identity, and should be displayed to the customer.

  • tierApplication - Describes whether the attribute is:

    • Free

    • Chargeable

    • Displayed but not offered (such as priority bags delivery on all fares except business) (can be used to compare products)

    • Not offered attribute that is not applicable to product, (ie. seating is not offered of products that include seats at sale).

Example 1:

<Description ObjectKey="CFFIB210210COMFORT0LF"> <Text>TS/PY/0LF///PRIORITY BAGGAGE/DISPLAYED-BUT-NOT-OFFERED</Text> </Description>

The above example is for:

TS - is the attributeGroup, which as per the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes is “Travel Services”

PY - is the attributeSubGroup, which as per the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes is “Priority Baggage”

0LF - is the RFISC (Reason for Issuance Sub Code) used to identify the individual attribute. If the service required the issue of an EMD this would be used for its issue.

Both Description1 and Description2 are empty

PRIORITY BAGGAG - is the ComercialName as per the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes

DISPLAYED-BUT-NOT-OFFERED - is the tierApplication. In this case the feature could be diplayed greyed out as it is not offered with this product.

Example 2:

<Description ObjectKey="CFFIB210210NOBAGIC3"> <Text>ML//IC3///SNACK OR DRINK/CHARGE</Text> </Description>

The above example is for:

ML - is the attributeGroup, which as per the ATPCo Optional Services Industry Sub Codes is “Meal”

There is no attributeSubGroup for this feature.

IC3- is the RFISC (Reason for Issuance Sub Code) used to identify the individual attribute. If the service required the issue of an EMD this would be used for its issue. In this case the RFISC is specific to Iberia.

Both Description1 and Description2 are empty in this example.

SNACK OR DRINK - is the ComercialName given by Iberia to this feature.

CHARGE - is the tierApplication. In this case the feature is purchasable for a fee. As the service is not in our ServiceList API this is only purchasable at place of delivery.

Release and Messages

Iberia is releasing Branded Fares in a separate version (v2) based on the IATA 17.2 baseline version.

Please note that some new functionalities and/or information may only be developed in version in 17.2v2 Branded Fares. Those functionalities and/or information will be highlighted in the documentation.