Functional Description
There are two modes of OfferPrice:
Get Fare - when you have an OfferID obtained from our AirShoppingRQ/RS service
Get Direct Fare - when you have used a third party Shopping engine.
OfferPrice returns a detailed Priced Availability quote for specific Flights, and includes the breakdown of fare and taxes together with more detailed product information, such as conditions for payment/cancellation/change and baggage.
For offers with time limit calculated as immediate payment and more than four hours to departure flight, payment time limit will be hour of requested offer plus two hours. If the offer has time limit calculated as immediate payment and less than four hours to departure flight, instant payment will be mandatory. This affects both Get Fare and Get Direct Fare.
Examples of messages with complete flows can be downloaded from here.
Get Fare
Using data from an AirShoppingRS
It allows to return priced availability for specified preferences
It allows to return private fares for Corporates and TravelAgency
Iberia Plus details (name and number) can be included. If validated correctly, any applicable tier advantages will be applied.
*If Frequent Flyer validation fails, shopping flow will continue and a warning will be included in the response.
Get Direct Fare
This methods to request the flight price it is stateless. It will return detailed Offer for the cheapest price together with the basic AirShopping data for the other products available on the selected flights.
It allows to return priced availability for specified preferences
Spanish Resident and Large Family Discounts
Frequent Flyer details can NOT be included.
Please, visit our New OfferPrice page.