Recommended Sequential Flows

Recommended Sequential Flows



To improve processes and reduce the number of errors, there are a series of sequential flows that we recommend as good practice.

  1. Create an Order:

  • AirShopping - OfferPrice - SeatAvailability - ServiceList - OrderCreate

  • AirShopping - OfferPrice - ServiceList1 (Offer3) - ServiceList2 (Offer6) - OrderCreate(Offer6) with Ancillary from ServiceList(2)

  • AirShopping - OfferPrice with Upsell - SeatAvailability - ServiceList - OrderCreate

  • AirShopping with Cheapest - OfferPrice with Upsell - ServiceList1 (Offer4) - ServiceList2 (Offer7) - ServiceList3 (Offer4) - OrderCreate(Offer4) with Ancillary from ServiceList(3)

  • OfferPriceDirect or OfferPriceDirect with Cheapest and Upsell - SeatAvailability - ServiceList - OrderCreate


  1. Existing Order:

  • OrderRetrieve - OrderChange (passenger information, name correction without ancillaries)

  • OrderRetrieve - OrderReshop - OrderChange (voluntary or involuntary changes)

  • OrderRetrieve - OrderReshop - OrderChange (voluntary or involuntary changes) - OrderCancel

  • OrderRetrieve - OrderReshop - OrderCancel

  • OrderRetrieve - OrderReshop - OrderChange (delete some passenger)

  • OrderRetrieve (Order on hold) - OrderChange Payment

  • OrderRetrieve (Order on hold) - OrderChange Payment - OrderCancel

  • OrderRetrieve (Order on hold) - OrderChange Payment - OrderRetrieve - SeatAvailability and/or ServiceList - OrderChange (to include Ancillaries with instant payment)

  • OrderRetrieve (Paid Order) - SeatAvailability and/or ServiceList - OrderChange (to include Ancillaries with instant payment)


  1. Flows that are not allowed:

  • AirShopping - OfferPrice with/without Upsell - ServiceList1 (Offer3) - ServiceList2 (Offer6) - OrderCreate with Ancillary from ServiceList(1)

    • <Error ShortText=”NDC_DIST_2132” Code “486”> Offer expired or invalid ID.

    • ServiceList returns the list of available ancillaries and you can add several ancillaries at the same time in the OrderCreateRQ.

    • The second ServiceList(2) has replaced ServiceList(1), you must rerequest ServiceList(1) if you wish to purchase an Ancillary from it


  • AirShopping - OfferPrice(1) with/without Upsell (against Offer 3 from AirShopping) - OfferPrice(2) with/without Upsell (against offer 10 from AirShopping) - OrderCreate for Offer from OfferPrice(1) (will fail if the same offer is not in OfferPrice(2))

    • <Error ShortText=”SSE_AVM_9002” Code “486”> We apologize for the inconvenience. Please start your search again.


  • AirShopping - OfferPrice(1) with Upsell - OfferPrice(2) with/without Upsell (Upsell OfferID from the OfferPrice(1))

    • <Error ShortText=”SSE_AVM_10205” Code “795”> Offer expired or invalid id.

    • <Error ShortText=”SSE_AVM_9002” Code “486”>


  • AirShopping - OfferPrice(1) with/without Upsell - ServiceList1 (Offer7) - ServiceList2 (Offer8)- OfferPrice(2) - OrderCreate with an offer from OfferPrice(1) and an ancillary from ServiceList(1 or 2)

    • <Error ShortText=”SSE_AVM_9002” Code “486”> We apologize for the inconvenience. Please start your search again.

    • The OfferPrice(2) has replaced OfferPrice(1) and the associated ServiceList.


  • AirShopping - OfferPrice(1) - ServiceList1 (Offer5) - OfferPrice(2) - ServiceList2 (Offer9) - OrderCreate with offer from OfferPrice(1) with ancillary from ServiceList(2)

    • <Error ShortText=”SSE_AVM_9002” Code “486”> We apologize for the inconvenience. Please start your search again.

    • Each OfferPrice replaces the previous one in our Offer Management cache, and the same with regards to ServiceList


  • AirShopping - OfferPrice - OrderCreate (with payment) - OrderRetrieve - SeatAvailability/ServiceList (on hold)

    • <Error ShortText=”NDC_DIST_2013” Code “486”> Additional services only available with instant purchase.

    • Ancillaries can only be added to paid Orders if paid for at time of booking


  • AirShopping - OfferPrice - OrderCreate (on hold) - SeatAvailability/ServiceList

    • <Error ShortText=”NDC_DIST_1007” Code “486”> Request not available for unticketed orders.

    • Ancillaries services cannot be added to unpaid (on hold) Orders.



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