Hot News
New Turkish Market
March 2025: New Turkish market opened in our NDC.
Please, visit our Market Currencies page.
Changes of Origin/Destination
November 2024: New servicing capabilities allowing to change the Origin and/or Destination of Unpaid Orders. The conditions are in the “Voluntary Change” section of OrderReshop and OrderChange pages.
Service Fee in OrderChange
October 2024: Now Service Fee can be included (for Orders with Spanish Discounts) in OrderChangeRQ and are returned in the OrderViewRS.
Please visit our Spanish Discounts page for more information.
Latest Newsletters
February 2025
January 2025
New Markets
October 2024: New markets opened in our NDC:
Canada, Croacia, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Please, visit our Market Currencies page.
New Sequential Flows Page
September 2024: To improve processes and reduce the number of errors, we present a new page where there are a series of sequential flows that we recommend as good practice.
Please visit our new Recommended Sequential Flows page.
New end to end flow Examples
August 2024: In Examples 2024 page you will find full end-to-end flows of various user-case examples from 2024. It covering most, if not all, of the scenarios and functionalities offered through our NDC API. Each individual user case can be downloaded using the link in the column title.
In each API Messages you can find sections of this complete examples for better use. For example, you can see the AirShoppingRQ example sections here.
If you think that a particular use case its missing, please send us a message to:
New Servicing Page
July 2024: Following much constructive feedback from our users with the objective of making the pages simpler and more user-friendly, we create a new page explaining the Servicing flow: It’s all you can manage in an Order.
Please visit our new Servicing Page.
Double Currency in certain markets
June 2024: NDC now offer double currency in Argentine and Chilean markets.
Choose between two currencies for Point of Sale Argentina (ARS or USD) and Chile (UCL or USD) at AirShopping and OfferPrice-Direct. See our New OverrideCurrency page.
Fare Mix at OfferPrice-Get Direct Fare
June 2024: NDC now returns offers, in the OfferPrice-Get Direct Fare, that combine different fares on round trip journeys, giving all the possible fare choices. For example:
Fare Families at 17.2 v1: You will receive a mix of Basic Fare outbound with Flexible Fare inbound.
Branded Fares at 17.2 v2: You will receive a mix of Comfort Fare outbound with Optima Fare inbound.
This will be the default behavior with no changes required on your side.
Refund or Changes of Disrupted Orders
June 2024: When an Order has suffered an involuntary change (disruptions), it is now possible to ask for a refund or change of flights, in those cases where Iberia’s policy allows it.
This may be possible even when the OrderViewRS includes the <Order/Status> = “true” and <Order/Status/StatusCode> = “UNS”.
In the cases whereby a free change or refund is not available, servicing of this booking is not available through the NDC API, and you will need to call Iberia to service the Order.
Enhanced IATA Delegation
June 2024: NDC now offer IATA Delegation to IATA Travel Agents connected directly to our NDC API. With this functionality, a group of IATA Travel Agents who use the same Mashery User to connect to our API can allow any of the “family” of agents to service their bookings. Please remember that any re-issue of ETKTs, and/or addition of EMDs will always be done and reported with the IATA used to issue the initial documents. More information on this functionality can be found in IATA Delegation
New Special Equipment types
May 2024: In order to improve Ancillaries products, now you can select this new Special Equipment options:
Fishing Equipment (
)Diving Equipment (
)Surf Equipment (
For more information, please visit our Special Equipment page.
New Reprice on hold (BETA ONLY for now)
May 2024: In some markets the Reprice on hold is required. The first market requiring this is Argentina.
The PriceGuaranteeTimeLimit (PGTL) element will appear in all Offers and Orders for all markets. Note that this element will have the same value as the PaymentTimeLimit (PTL), except for those markets where the new Reprice on hold is required.
The PGTL element will be different to the PTL, forcing all users to use the new Reprice on hold functionality (17.2 v2 only).
See our new Reprice on hold in the following pages:
New Documentation Pages Structure
April 2024: Following much constructive feedback from our users, the documentation explaining our NDC messages and their structure has been updated and improved. With the objective of making the pages simpler and more user friendly.
Those message elements, such as Language, Party, DataLists, etc., which repeat across multiple messages have been combined into one common section, with links from the pages of those Services (AirShopping, OfferPrice, OrderView, etc.) that use the elements.
The separate documentation published for each of the two versions (v1 Fare Families, and v2 Branded Fares) has been combined with the differences between the two versions highlighted.
We hope you find the new documentation easier and clearer to use. We encourage you to send any suggestions of improvement to
New FAQs page
March 2024: In order to improve, Iberia NDC has created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
This page allows you to resolve doubts and reduces time from calling the Call Center or writing more emails.
See the New FAQs page.
Unspecified Gender
February 2024: Iberia NDC now allows you to not specify the gender of the passenger.
When gender is selected, you can choose between the following option: “male”, “female” and “unspecified”.
Note that this information is update in the PassengerList.
IATA Delegation
January 2024: Similar to the legacy concept known as “Extended Office Security”, “Branch Access” or “Bridging”, this functionality allows one IATA Travel Agent to access and service another IATA Travel Agents bookings. Both IATA Travel Agents must be using the same Aggregator, who must have the necessary functionality in place to manage the security. Do you want to learn more? Visit IATA Delegation page here.
Free Seats booking in on hold Orders
2023: As know, the purchase of any of our Ancillaries on Unpaid (on hold) Orders is not permitted, and it is only available in the Pre-Sale flow.
We have, however, developed the opportunity to book free Seats on Unpaid orders, being this option available from today.
Please, note that adding Seats, including free Seats, to Unpaid orders in Post-Sale servicing flows is still not allowed.
We have updated our “Seats” page accordingly.
Special Services Request (SSR) Update
2023: From today, Special Services can be requested through the ServiceList flow (formerly, only through the OfferPrice flow).
The applicable SSR Codes (which have not been modified), that you can include as and when required, are taken from this table.
To request an SSR it should be included in the ServiceListRQ message as a Qualifier
, as displayed in the example below:
To learn more about how to request SSRs Services and for updated examples, please visit our Special Service Request page, along with the subpage for Error Messages
Humanitarian and Marine Products
2023: Within our Spanish Discounts and Private Fares page, we have created a page for our new HUMANITARIAN and MARINE products, which is a separate private product coexisting with the purchase other Ancillaries.
To correctly request these products:
For Humanitarian product, the NGO Organization Name is the applicable element.
For Marine product, the name of the vessel or platform, along with the Country it is registered to, need to be included.
This information must be inserted in the InstructionList section within the DataLists.
By visiting our new Humanitarian and Marine Products page you will find examples along with the permitted format for each product. You will also find warning scenarios examples in our Warning Messages subpage.