OrderReshop 17.2

OrderReshop 17.2

Functional Description

OrderReshop API is used to reprice a held booking and to get the price to change or cancel a booking, whether paid for or not.

OrderRetrieve should always be done before using this service, ensuring you have the latest version of the Order.

The Order can be:

  • Unpaid (booked and on hold)

  • Paid for (issued but no services used)

  • Partially used (some of the services used some not)

This service supports the following types of actions/functions:





OrderReshop - Reprice (Unpaid Orders)

Used to reprice a held booking.

OrderReshop - Delete/Cancel

To obtain the refundable amount of a partial or total refund.

  • OrderReshop - Cancel for when cancelling the entire booking

  • OrderReshop - Delete for when cancelling only some of the passengers (which will result in a split) or some of the flights.

  • Available for orders with Conjunction tickets.

  • Available for orders with Special Discounts (Spanish Resident & Spanish Large Family Discounts).

  • Available for code share flights.

  • Available for Private Fare orders.

  • Not available for reissued orders.

  • Available, any time, for orders paid completely with voucher.

  • Available, within 24 hours of purchase, for orders paid with cash + voucher.

  • Available for Orders that have suffered involuntary changes (disruptions). This may be possible even when the OrderViewRS includes the <Order/Status> = “true” and <Order/Status/StatusCode> = “UNS”. Internal rules will evaluate if a refund is applicable. Not available for Private Fares.

OrderReshop - Availability (Add & Delete)


  • To shop for new date, time or cabin availabilities to change the initial booking

    • For paid or unpaid orders

    • Available for orders with Conjunction tickets.

    • Available for orders with Special Discounts (Spanish Resident & Spanish Large Family Discounts) and Private Fare orders.

    • Available for all passengers of the initial booking, or only some of them (resulting in a split).

    • Available for code share flights.

    • Available for orders with Private Fares, maintaining the original private fare type.

    • Available for reissued orders.

    • Ability to request new availability by introducing simply the origin and destination instead of all the segments from the original journey.

    • Ability to request new availability by introducing cities codes

    • Available for partially used orders, when the flight coupons to be changed are in the following states:

      • Open for Use

      • Airport Control (and able to take control)

      • No Show (and if the fare allows changes)

    • Available for Orders that have suffered involuntary changes (disruptions). This may be possible even when the OrderViewRS includes the <Order/Status> = “true” and <Order/Status/StatusCode> = “UNS”. Internal rules will evaluate if the change of flight can be offered for free. In the cases whereby a free change is not available, servicing of this booking is not available through the NDC API. Not available for Private Fares.

Search preferences that can be applied in this flow are:

  • Cabin type (Only for Paid Orders)

  • DirectPreferences (Number of flight stops)

  • BestPricingOption (Cheapest → “C”, only for Unpaid Orders)

OrderReshop - Fare


This is to get the details of one of the offers returned in the previous OrderReshop - Availability

A PaymentTimeLimit will only be returned when servicing an unpaid Order that does not require instant purchase. If no PaymentTimeLimit is returned, then the Offer is instant purchase and payment must be included in the subsequent OrderChange message.

Voluntary Change

  • Changes of date, time (flight number) and class of flight(s):

    • Changes should be requested by Origin and Destination (OD) and not by segments.

    • Allowed for:

      • Unpaid, Paid & Partially used Orders.

        • Some or all of the original flights can be maintained.

        • Any additional payments must be included in the OrderChangeRQ message

        • For paid Orders, flight coupons must/can be in the following states:

          • Open for Use

          • Airport Control (and able to take control, something we do automatically if possible)

          • No Show (and if the fare allows changes)

        • Private Fares, Spanish Resident Discount and Spanish Large Family discounts.

        • Some or all of the flights.

        • All passengers in the Order.

        • Some passengers in the Order (resulting in a split Order), with the exception of Disney Private Fares.

        • Multiple changes are allowed.

        • Not Allowed (today):

          • Combining Fare Families (out business back economy)

  • Changes of Origin and/or Destination (Changes O/D):

    • Allowed for:

      • Unpaid Orders.

      • Private Fares.

      • Some or all of the flights.

      • All passengers in the Order or some passengers in the Order (resulting in a split Order), with the exception of Disney Private Fares.

      • Change of airport in same city and change of routing, i.e. direct to indirect, and vice versa.

      • Multiple changes are allowed

      • O/D that requires Secure Flight if the original Order had Secure Flight.

    • Not allowed for:

      • Disrupted Orders.

      • Spanish Resident Discount.

      • Spanish Large Family Discount.

      • O/D that requires Secure Flight if the original Order did not have Secure Flight.

      • Cannot change POC (Point of Commencement (country))

***WARNING*** Associated ancillaries that cannot be changed/moved with the flights are lost, and a warning is shown in both the OrderReshopRS and OrderViewRS.

NDC Servicing operations for corporate will only validate that travel agency indicated in the request is the same as generated the order. If corporateID is present in the request, it will only be checked when the order has been generated with corporateID.


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