Here is where you can find detailed information about the services that make up the OfferItems.
<DataLists / ServiceDefinitionList> | ||||
ServiceDefinition AttributeServiceDefinitionID | ID reference of the service | Alphabetical | Any (e.g.: DEAF, BAGSERVICE-1) | SeatAvailabilityRS OrderCreateRQ |
ServiceDefinition / Name | Name of the service | Alphanumeric | Any | SeatAvailabilityRS OrderCreateRQ |
ServiceDefinition / Encoding / RFIC | RFIC of booked ancillaries | Alphabetical | Any (e.g.: A, C) | SeatAvailabilityRS |
ServiceDefinition / Encoding / Subcode | SubCode (RFISC) of booked ancillaries | Alphanumeric | Any (e.g.: 0B5, 0GO) | SeatAvailabilityRS |
ServiceDefinition / BaggageAllowanceRef | Reference associated to hand/checked baggage included in passenger fare. | Alphanumeric | Any | OrderViewRS |
ServiceDefinition / Descriptions / Description Attributerefs | Passenger identification associated to the service | Alphanumeric | Any | SeatAvailabilityRS |
ServiceDefinition / Descriptions / Description / Text | Description of the service (Limited to 90 characters) *Additional text is mandatory for DPNA to explain reason for assistance. | Alphanumeric | Any | SeatAvailabilityRS |
ServiceDefinition / BookingInstructions / SSRCode | Ancillary SSR type on booking (used for legacy system compatibility) | Alphabetical |
| SeatAvailabilityRS OrderCreateRQ |
ServiceDefinition / BookingInstructions / Method | Method. Always value= SSR | Alphabetical | SSR | SeatAvailabilityRS |
ServiceDefinition / ServiceBundle | Contains one or more ServiceDefinitionRef when buying more that one of the same service | Alphanumeric | Any | ServiceListRS |
ServiceDefinition / Detail / ServiceItemQuantityRules / MaximumQuantity | Maximum quantity of service | Numeric | Any | ServiceListRS |
ServiceDefinitionList example