Here we have the contact information for the passengers in the Order.
<DataLists / ContactList> | ||||
ContactInformation AttributeContactID | Id of the contact information | Alphanumeric | Any | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / ContactProvided / ContactType | Identifier of field that agencies can include to specify the information to include in confirmation mails.
| Alphabetic |
| OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / ContactNotProvided | It's allowed to refuse to provide contact information for IATA agencies --> The passenger contact must include tag <ContactNotProvided/>
| Empty | Empty | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / ContactProvided / EmailAddress / EmailAddressValue | Email address of the contact | Alphanumeric | Any | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / ContactProvided / Phone / Label | Identify type of phone number. If the phone number is from an emergency contact, you must write at the OrderCreateRQ: <label>EMERGENCY</label> | Alphabetic | Any | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / ContactProvided / Phone / CountryDialingCode | Country Code associated to phone number if it is filled | Alphanumeric | Ej: (+34) | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / ContactProvided / Phone / PhoneNumber | Phone number of the contact | Numeric | Any | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / Individual / GivenName | Concatenated Name of emergency contact | Alphabetic | Any | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactInformation / Individual / Surname | Concatenated Surname of emergency contact | Alphabetic | Any | OrderCreateRQ |
ContactList example